The world’s leading trademark law publication World Trademark Review (WTR 1000) ranks boesling IP among the top trademark firms in Germany for the seventh consecutive year. As individuals, Thies Bösling and Inga George are recommended as the firm’s star players. The rankings, which are are based on feedback from clients and peers, are accompanied by the following comments:
“Litigation-focused boutique boesling IP is hugely popular with the brands it represents. ‘The team provide a top-quality service and their knowledge of IP is incredible. They understand their patrons’ commercial objectives and are an excellent sounding board and business partner in trademark matters.’ The star players on board are Thies Bösling and Inga George. ‘Thies is a very professional, responsive and proactive attorney. He is a clear communicator, has an excellent knowledge of IP and really takes the time to learn about his clients’ businesses.’ ‘Inga is an experienced and knowledgeable attorney, who is excellent at handling complex cross-jurisdictional projects. She is highly responsive and provides quick, clear and concise advice, always keeping in mind the practical implications of each decision.’
For the full 2023 rankings, see
For details on the methodology, see
For our firm profile on WTR 1000 2023, see